【英語論文の書き方】第52回 数式を含む場合は現在形か?過去形か?

2018年1月9日 10時00分


(1) Figure 1 or Fig. 1? Hints on styles when referring to figures
(2) Quotation marks: Not used so often in English
(3) Data of vs. data on: A case of totally different meanings
Data of と Data on 意味の違いについて


(1) Present vs. past tense in mathematical expressions
(2) Tenses when describing scenarios, modeling processes, projections, etc.
(3)Some informal expressions that should be avoided in scientific writing


The correct use of tenses is a problem that researchers often encounter when writing papers in English. In this edition, we continue our exploration of this subject by examining the use of tenses in mathematical expressions. We then move on to a related topic: the use of tenses when writing about scenarios, modeling processes, projections, and so on. We conclude with some advice on several commonly used informal expressions that should be avoided in scientific writing.

(1) Present vs. past tense in mathematical expressions

Texts containing mathematical expressions can basically be divided into two categories: (a) the “present-tense type,” in which the authors are giving a step-by-step description (as though in real time) of a process of calculations in the paper itself; and (b) the “past-tense type,” in which the emphasis is on reporting how the overall study was conducted.
In papers of the present-tense type, you will often find a real-time expression such as “Let us assume that x is . . . .” or “Let x be . . . .” at the beginning of a set of calculations, followed by an equation or series of equations. After each equation, the terms will usually be defined by a present-tense expression such as “where x is . . . , p is . . . , and w is . . . .”
In papers of the past-tense type, on the other hand, in which the emphasis is on how the study was conducted, assumption-type expressions will be in the past tense; e.g., “We assumed that x was . . . .” Similarly, definitions will also usually be in the past tense; e.g., “where x was . . . .”
It is also possible for a paper to contain a combination of both types of expressions. That is, a paper in which the authors are reporting how their study was conducted (past tense) might switch to a step-by-step description of a process of calculations (present tense), then revert to the past tense again. Here is an example of a case like this:
“We used [= past tense] the following procedure to calculate the value of M:
Let x be p * q, where p is . . . .” [= present tense]
We then replaced [= past tense] N with M to determine the mean value.” 
To summarize, use the present tense when describing a process of calculations step-by-step (as though making the calculations in real time together with the reader), and use the past tense if your emphasis is on reporting how your overall study was conducted (i.e., the conventional style).

(2) Tenses when describing scenarios, modeling processes, projections, etc.

Very often, we can use either the present tense or the past tense (or even the present perfect tense) when describing scenarios, modeling processes, estimations, projections, and so on. The key point in deciding which tense to use is, again, to determine what you wish to place emphasis on. For example:

Past tense: If your description mainly focuses on something that was completed in the past (for example, a scenario that was fully developed before the present study was conducted), then the past tense is usually the best choice; e.g., “Scenario X was developed in order to determine Y.”

Present tense: If the development or refinement of the scenario, etc. is still ongoing, or the present paper is describing the results of using the scenario, etc. step-by-step in real time, then the present tense is usually preferable; e.g., “Scenario X shows that Y increases when Z occurs,” or “Scenario X is found to be superior to Scenario Y when Z increases beyond a certain level.”

Present perfect tense: This is not so common, but sometimes the present perfect tense (e.g., “. . . has been developed”) is used when you wish to emphasize the linkage between the past development of the scenario, etc. and its present applicability; e.g., “Scenario X has been developed in order to simplify calculations of Y.”

(3) Some informal expressions that should be avoided in scientific writing 

(3) Some informal expressions that should be avoided in scientific writing

The Summer 2011 edition described certain types of informal expressions that are not appropriate in scientific writing. Here are some additional examples of expressions that should be avoided, with suggested alternatives.
Made: Alternative expressions that could be used include prepared (general contexts), constructed (e.g., in the case of a building or other structure, or a system), fabricated (e.g., a device or product), formulated (e.g., a plan or proposal), devised (e.g., a scheme or mechanism), etc.
Happened: Alternative expressions include occurred, took place, appeared, arose, emerged, etc. Another alternative is an expression such as was found.
Done: This very informal word should definitely be avoided in scientific writing. Use an alternative expression such as performed, conducted, carried out, implemented, etc.
Thank you very much for your dedicated efforts. See you next time!
Sincerely yours,
Bob Gavey
For World Translation Services, Inc.





第1回 if、in case、when の正しい使い分け:確実性の程度を英語で正しく表現する

第2回 「装置」に対する英語表現

第3回 助動詞のニュアンスを正しく理解する:「~することが出来た」「~することが出来なかった」の表現

第4回 「~を用いて」の表現:by と with の違い

第5回 技術英文で使われる代名詞のitおよび指示代名詞thisとthatの違いとそれらの使用法

第6回 原因・結果を表す動詞の正しい使い方:その1 原因→結果

第7回 原因・結果を表す動詞の使い方:その2 結果→原因

第8回 受動態の多用と誤用に注意

第9回 top-heavyな英文を避ける

第10回 名詞の修飾語を前から修飾する場合の表現法

第11回 受動態による効果的表現

第12回 同格を表す接続詞thatの使い方

第13回 「技術」を表す英語表現

第14回 「特別に」を表す英語表現

第15回 所有を示すアポストロフィー + s ( ’s) の使い方

第16回 「つまり」「言い換えれば」を表す表現

第17回 寸法や重量を表す表現

第18回 前置詞 of の使い方: Part 1

第19回 前置詞 of の使い方: Part 2

第20回 物体や物質を表す英語表現

第21回 句動詞表現より1語動詞での表現へ

第22回 不定詞と動名詞: Part 1

第23回 不定詞と動名詞の使い分け: Part 2

第24回 理由を表す表現

第25回 総称表現 (a, theの使い方を含む)


第27回 「0~1の数値は単数か複数か?」

第28回 「時制-現在形の動詞の使い方」

第29回  then, however, therefore, for example など接続副詞の使い方​

第30回  まちがえやすいusing, based onの使い方-分詞構文​

第31回  比率や割合の表現(ratio, rate, proportion, percent, percentage)

第32回 英語論文の書き方 総集編

第33回 Quality Review Issue No. 23 report, show の時制について​

第34回 Quality Review Issue No. 24 参考文献で日本語論文をどう記載すべきか​

第35回 Quality Review Issue No. 25 略語を書き出すときによくある間違いとは?​

第36回 Quality Review Issue No. 26 %と℃の前にスペースを入れるかどうか

第37回 Quality Review Issue No. 27 同じ種類の名詞が続くとき冠詞は付けるべき?!​

第38回 Quality Review Issue No. 22  日本人が特に間違えやすい副詞の使い方​

第39回 Quality Review Issue No. 21  previous, preceding, earlierなどの表現のちがい

第40回 Quality Review Issue No. 20 using XX, by XXの表現の違い

第41回 Quality Review Issue No. 19 increase, rise, surgeなど動詞の選び方

第42回 Quality Review Issue No. 18 論文での受動態の使い方​

第43回 Quality Review Issue No. 17  Compared with とCompared toの違いは?​

第44回 Reported about, Approach toの前置詞は必要か?​

第45回 Think, propose, suggest, consider, believeの使い分け​

第46回 Quality Review Issue No. 14  Problematic prepositions scientific writing: by, through, and with -3つの前置詞について​

第47回 Quality Review Issue No. 13 名詞を前から修飾する場合と後ろから修飾する場合​

第48回 Quality Review Issue No. 13 単数用法のThey​

第49回 Quality Review Issue No. 12  study, investigation, research の微妙なニュアンスのちがい

第50回 SinceとBecause 用法に違いはあるのか?

第51回 Figure 1とFig.1の使い分け


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